giovedì 17 settembre 2009

Black Sculptures

Alte Saline Hallein –Fr 7


Brigitta Rossetti Artist

“ The wheel attracted me since the first moment I was in The Antosch Fabric, as the symbol of harmony, of the movement and progress, a metaphor of life;
It is connected with the idea of travel, transformation and unknown.
The circle exactly in the middle of the wheel recalls me the universal meaning of the origins, immobile point without shape and dimension...”

“The black rubber was calling my inner self, my bowels.
Experiencing this material I realized it can be so raw and thick or fine and smooth at the same time. ..Combining together the opposites in the last attempt to keep a solid structure starting from a hot melted material that tends to fall dawn on itself, or integrating parts of an hard row and cold material foreword…..”

“..Introducing objects belonging to my everyday experience and my childhood, feeling them as a part of the sculptures, in the process of becoming Foetus, in the metaphorical sense of the trueness connected with the innocence and spontaneity of irrational feelings in the process of creation, that does not exclude irony to be free..”

Black Sculptures
Container of multi meaning messages :

1 Smoking diva

2 Nutrition

3 The huge umbilical cordon

5 Oh mother!

6 My skin

7 It was a big hug

8 Swallowed from the 000

9 The mirror

10 My bowels

11 Windy on the river

12 White

Dialoghi #4 - Brigitta Rossetti

Dialoghi #4 - Brigitta Rossetti

Museo Civico Umberto Mastroianni, Marino (RM)

15 settembre - 14 novembre 2009

Proseguono gli appuntamenti con la manifestazione dal titolo “Dialoghi”, che vede protagonista il Museo Civico “Umberto Mastroianni” di Marino. Qui, con cadenza mensile, un’opera d’arte contemporanea affiancherà le collezioni permanenti di arte romana, al fine di creare un dialogo, appunto, tra manufatti tanto distanti tra loro da un punto di vista cronologico ma che, in realtà, risultano uniti da un invisibile ed indubbio fil rouge. Se l’Arte, infatti, nelle sue declinazioni ed attraverso i secoli, ha il potere di unire gli uomini e le culture, questa rassegna ha il pregio di vedere annullate molteplici barriere culturali, ed avvicinare all’arte contemporanea chi è solito frequentare musei archeologici.